† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51672220), the 111 Program of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. B08040), the National Defense Science Foundation (Grant No. 32102060303), the Xi’an Science and Technology Foundation, the Shaanxi Provincial Science Foundation and the Gaofeng Project of Northwestern Polytechnical University, China (Grant No. 17GH020824).
In this paper, we performed calculations to investigate the dielectric, piezoelectric properties, Born effective charge (BEC), and spontaneous polarization of Sr2M2O7, the method used in our study was a well-known density functional theory based on first-principles. The optimized results were in good agreement with previous experiments and calculations, which indicates that our calculated method is reasonable. The research we have done suggested that greater piezoelectric components of Sr2Nb2O7 were e31 and e33, and the contributions were derived from the A1. By studying the Born effective charge, it could be seen that the valence of ions changed, and the O of Sr2Nb2O7 were most obviously that caused by the covalent character of ions and the hybridization of O-2p and Nb-4d. The spontaneous polarization of Sr2Nb2O7 in the [001] direction is 25 μC/cm2, while for Sr2Ta2O7, there was no spontaneous polarization in the paraelectric state. Finally, the effect of pressure on the piezoelectric properties were also investigated, the polarization of Sr2Nb2O7 decreased linearly with the increase after pressure. All our preliminary results throw light on the nature of dielectric, piezoelectric properties, Born effective charge, and spontaneous polarization of Sr2M2O7, it was helpful for experimental research, the development of new materials, and future applications.
Layered perovskite structure Sr2M2O7, as a new type of functional material, has become a hot topic,[1–4] for instance, Cai et al. studied the dielectric constant and loss of Sr2Nb2O7 specimen sintered at 1200 °C, which were 57% and 1.6% at 10 kHz, and the piezoelectric constant d33 reached 2.1 pC/N, respectively. In Chen’s work, by using the solid-state reaction method, the author investigated significant effects on the sinterability, microstructure, and electrical properties of Sr2Nb2O7 ceramics prepared by CuO addition. Peng et al. studied the electronic structures of S and V/Nb mono- and (anionic–cationic) co-doped Sr2Ta2O7, the band gap engineering and the shifts of the VBM and CBM for sufficiently utilizing visible light of the solar spectrum by generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and Perdew–Burke–Eruzerh (PBE) calculations. Teshima et al. prepared Sr2Ta2O7 film growth under several different conditions, and found that the growth atmospheres were important in forming idiomorphic crystals with well-developed facets and characteristic shapes. The above results provide a comparison and research direction for our theoretical calculation.
At room temperature, Sr2Nb2O7 and Sr2Ta2O7 are orthogonal structures (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) The perovskite-slab structures of Sr2M2O7 unit cell, the green and brown regions represent NbO6 and TaO6 octahedra, respectively. |
Because of the unique structure and excellent physical properties, Sr2M2O7 can also be widely used in various industrial fields. For Sr2Nb2O7, it is one of the few high temperature ferroelectric materials with high Curie temperature (Tc = 1615 K), chemical and thermal stability, and significant physical properties.[5,6] As a new photocatalyst, Sr2Ta2O7 is the paraelectric orthorhombic phase at room temperature without any additives to split water into H2 and O under UV light.[7] The unique structure determines that Sr2M2O7 has many advantages: (i) it is easy to adjust the band gap and absorption spectrum of the semiconductor by changing the particle size; (ii) the optical absorption of semiconductor particles present absorption bands, which is beneficial to the effective collection of sunlight; (iii) the photostability can be increased by the surface modification; (iv) using layers as a suitable reaction point to control the reverse reaction, the efficiency of the reaction can be improved, therefore, the semiconductors that enter layers are in the nanometer scale, it is beneficial to the separation of photogenerated electrons and holes; (v) when the semiconductor is irradiated by the light, it can generate the conduction electron and the corresponding hole. The excited state of electrons can recombine with the holes, and the light energy can be converted into thermal energy or other forms of energy in the process of recombinations. After the combination of semiconductors and layered compounds, there are effective migrations of photoelectrons from semiconductors to layered substrates, and the generated electron–hole pairs in the semiconductor surface cannot be quickly combined for other reasons; the semiconductor has activity, showing that the reason for the inhibition of electron–hole pairs recombination may be that the semiconductors are affected. In this case, electron–hole pairs recombination will be significantly suppressed, which also reduces the recombination rate of photogenerated electrons and holes, thereby improving the photocatalytic properties of semiconductor. On the side, due to the special layered structure, the metal, non-metal, organics, semiconductor oxide, and composite nanoparticles can be introduced into the interlayers, to improve the thermal stability and catalytic activity, because of the great concern.[4,8]
Since Nanamatsu et al.[9] first successfully synthesized Sr2Nb2O7, Sr2Ta2O7, and the corresponding solid solution by the floating zone method, several researchers have experimentally and theoretically investigated related properties of Sr2M2O7. Kudo et al.[10] studied the perovskite-tantalates Sr2(Ta1 − xNbx)2O7, band structure, and water splitting activity by partial substitution of Nb; the results indicated that the band gap decreases with the increase of Nb/Ta. After loading the NiO, the photolysis of water according to the stoichiometric produced H2 and O, NiO/Sr2Ta2O7 had the highest activity. Kato et al.[11] researched the surface morphology and dielectric properties of Sr2Ta2O7 and Sr2(Ta0.7Nb0.3)2O7 films when the annealing temperature reached 750 °C, the dielectric constant was around 90, while dielectric loss was less than 0.05 at 100 kHz, which showed that these compounds were suitable for memory materials. Yoshioka et al.[12] investigated the relationship between photocatalytic activity and crystal structure of different perovskite tantalate (Sr2Ta2O7, Sr2Ta2O6, and Sr4Ta2O9). The research suggested that Sr2Ta2O7 had the highest photocatalytic and great relationship with special structure. TaO6 octahedrons in Sr2Ta2O7 were connected with the common vertex, while the common surface for the TaO6 in Sr4Ta2O9. Thus, the conduction bands of Sr4Ta2O9 were so narrow that it cannot provide effective carrier and the poor photocatalytic activity.
With the development of computers, the theoretical researches of materials have increased, especially based on the first principles.[13–15] Nisar et al.,[16] based on hybrid functionals (HSE06), surveyed the photocatalytic of Sr2Nb2O7 from the band structure and bandgap. The results showed that the band gap in layered perovskite Sr2Nb2O7 was significantly reduced by the cationic–anionic co-doping, and band position was excellent for the visible-light photocatalysis. Liu et al.[17] performed hybrid functional calculations for the mono- and co-doping of Sr2Ta2O7 by the controlled band gap engineering for an efficient solar-driven photocatalyst. The results showed that doping creates impurity states in the band gap and therefore reduces the band gap significantly, and the stability of the co-doped system is governed by the Coulomb interactions and charge compensation effects.
By reviewing the previous work, we find that the researches about Sr2M2O7 have made great achievements both in experiment and theory, but these studies mainly focused on optical research under UV light and there have been few theoretical calculations that were not systematic. The present study, based on first-principles, will focus on the discussion of dielectric, piezoelectric properties, Born effective charge, and spontaneous polarization of Sr2M2O7. As is known to all, the above properties have been widely applied in the field of photoelectricity, especially photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants, photolysis of water to produce ammonia. More and more attention has been paid to the degradation of environmental pollutants and the decomposition of water by using solar semiconductor photocatalysis technology. It is expected to solve the problems of energy shortage and environmental pollution, therefore our preliminary research can provide important theoretical guidance for studying Sr2M2O7 and expanding its application.
Because many experiments are difficult or costly in practice, the theoretical calculation is usually the first step in this experiment. Piezoelectricity is one of the most important practical properties of ferroelectric materials, so the theoretical investigation of dielectric and piezoelectric properties is taken as the first step to guide the practice.
We used the generalized gradient approximation (GGA)[12] in the Perdew–Burke–Eruzerh (PBE)[18] to study Sr2M2O7, and the theoretical mechanisms are discussed. The calculations have been performed by using the Cambridge Sequential Total Energy Package (CASTEP) code.[19,20] Using the plane wave pseuodopotential method, the ion potential is replaced and the electron wave function is carried out with the plane wave basis set. We use the GGA to correct the exchange interaction between the electrons and the correlation potential.
In the density functional theory (DFT), the Schrödinger equation of the single electron motion can be expressed as follows (in atomic unit):
The valence electron configuration for Sr, Nb, Ta, and O are 4p65s2, 4d65s1, 5p65d3, and 2s22p4, respectively. The ultrasoft pseudopotential is applied to describing the interaction energy between valence electron and ionic core. The Brillouin zone integration is performed over 4 × 4 × 8 grid sizes using the Monkhorst–Pack method for structure optimization. The convergence thresholds for total energy, maximum force, maximum stress, maximum displacement, and Hellmann–Feynman ionic force are less than 5 × 10−6 eV/atom, 0. 01 eV/Å, 0. 02 GPa, 5.0 × 10−4 Å, and 1 meV/Å. The linear response method of density functional perturbation theory (DFPT)[21] is used to calculate the dielectric, piezoelectric properties, Born effective charge, and the calculation of spontaneous polarization using the Berry phase method.[22]
From Table
![]() | Table 1.
The space groups and lattice parameters (in unit Å) of the Sr2Nb2O7 and Sr2Ta2O7. . |
Sr2Nb2O7 has 4 different phonon modes (A1, A2, B1, and B2), which are one-fold degeneracy. Phonon frequencies at the center (Γ) of the Brillouin zone are listed in Table
In terms of optical activity, except for the A2, the other modes are both infrared and Raman. According to the Mulliken symbol, A1 and A2 for the main axis are symmetric, while B1 and B2 are antisymmetric. On the other hand, A1 and B1 are symmetric for twofold C2 (perpendicular to the main axis), while A2 and B2 are antisymmetric for C2. In addition, the phonon at the Γ does not have an imaginary frequency indicating that the optimized structure is stable. In the experiment, Ito et al.[19] used Raman scattering and far-infrared scattering to study the phonon frequency of Sr2Nb2O7. Because of the experimental conditions, they just observed eighteen A1, six A2, five B1, and two B2, which are less than expected. Compared with the experiment, the calculated A1 frequencies are in good agreement with Ito’s results. The observed modes in the experiment are less than the calculation, which may be the reason why the unobserved oscillators are relatively weak.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) The phonon dispersion curves for Sr2M2O7, (a) Sr2Nb2O7 and (b) Sr2Ta2O7, different color curves represent different phonon modes, respectively. |
![]() | Table 2.
Calculated frequencies (in unit cm−1) of phonon modes at the Γ point of Sr2Nb2O7. . |
For Sr2Ta2O7, there are 8 different phonon modes (Ag, B1g, B2g, B3g, Au, B1u, B2u, and B3u), and all modes are also onefold degeneracy. The irreducible representation at the Γ is expressed as:
![]() | Table 3.
Calculated frequencies (in unit of cm−1) of IR modes at the Γ of Sr2Ta2O7. . |
![]() | Table 4.
Calculated frequencies (in unit of cm−1) of Raman and static modes at the Γ of Sr2Ta2O7. . |
From the point of view of optical activity, B1g, B3g, and Au are Raman activity, while B1u, B2u, and B3u are infrared, the remaining Ag is static. According to the Mulliken symbol, Ag and Au for the main axis are symmetric, the others, namely B1g, B2g, B3g, B1u, B2u, and B3u, are antisymmetric. On the other hand, Ag, B1g, B2g, and B3g are symmetric for the inversion center, while Au, B2u, and B3u are antisymmetric. In addition, different from Sr2Nb2O7, Sr2Ta2O7 has an imaginary frequency (infrared B1u mode, −0.56 cm−1) at the Γ point. The infrared frequencies at the center Γ of the Brillouin zone are listed in Table
In the present work, we investigated the atom displacement, in order to better understand the lattice vibration. The M2 atoms are located at the center of the orthogonal Sr2M2O7 as shown in Fig.
The dielectric constants, contributions of electrons and phonons to the dielectric constants, are shown in table
The contributions of electrons to dielectric constants from Sr2Nb2O7 are between 4.6–5.2, and the average
![]() | Table 5.
Calculated electronic (ε∞, ij) and phonon contributions (εph, ij), average dielectric constants ( |
The dielectric constants of Sr2Nb2O7 are not high, so is the measured dielectric loss in the experiment. However, materials with ferroelectric properties at high temperature can be used for ferroelectric random storage materials.[24] Table
![]() | Table 6.
The calculated mode frequencies ωλ (in unit of cm−1), the oscillator strength, make dominant contributions to the dielectric intensity for Sr2Nb2O7. . |
![]() | Table 7.
Contributions of individual ions (εk, ij) to the dielectric constants for Sr2Nb2O7. . |
In order to analyze the origin of the components in the dielectric tensor, the oscillators strength of greater frequencies and the effective charge of different frequencies are shown in Table
![]() | Table 8.
The calculated mode frequencies ωλ (in unit of cm−1), oscillator strength, and mode effective charge (e) make dominant contributions to the dielectric intensity for Sr2Ta2O7. . |
Phonon’s contribution to the dielectric constants can be decomposed into the contributions of each ion (Table
![]() | Table 9.
The contribution (εk, ij) of ions in Sr2Ta2O7 to the phonon dielectric constants. . |
Orthogonal structure Sr2Nb2O7 exhibits the ferroelectric state, and the piezoelectric constant has five independent components (Table
Generally known, the piezoelectric strain coefficient can be expressed as,
![]() | Table 10.
Homogeneous strain contribution (eiv, hom) and internal-strain contribution (eiv, int) to the total piezoelectric stress constants element eiv, tot (in units C/m2). We use the Voigt notion, the Latin index i runs from 1 to 3, and the Greek index v from 1 to 6. . |
The contributions of different phonon modes to the internal-strain piezoelectric constants in Sr2Ta2O7 (Table
![]() | Table 11.
Contribution of A1 to the internal-strain piezoelectric constants eiv, int (in units C/m2). . |
![]() | Table 12.
Contribution of individual ions to the internal-strain piezoelectric constants eiv, int (in units C/m2) for Sr2Ta2O7. . |
The Born effective charge of Sr2Nb2O7 are shown in Table
![]() | Table 13.
The Born effective charge for each inequivalent atom in the Cmc21 sapce group of the Sr2Nb2O7 structure. . |
At room temperature, the spontaneous polarization of Sr2Nb2O7 was reported in the direction [001], which is 9 μC/cm2.[5] According to Berry-phase polarization theory, we calculated the spontaneous polarization of Sr2Nb2O7 in the same direction, but 25 μC/cm2. Because of the temperature, it is reasonable to make a difference in the spontaneous polarization. Sr2Ta2O7 has no spontaneous polarization in the paraelectric state.
Sr2Nb2O7 is an environmently-friendly piezoelectric material, and due to its high Curie point, it can be applied to high temperature conditions. PbTiO3[27] as one of the earliest discovered piezoelectric materials with good performance, and the piezoelectric constants were e15 = 4.03 C/m2, e31 = 1.81 C/m2, and e33 = 3.23 C/m2, respectively. The piezoelectric properties of Sr2Nb2O7 need to be improved by comparison with PbTiO3.[28] It is well known that stress has an effect on improving the physical properties of ferroelectric materials.[29] Therefore, we tried to apply a pressure on Sr2Nb2O7, and the pressure was 0–4.5 GPa on the premise that the material did not have structural phase transition.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) The charge relation of volume, polarization, and bond length with pressure increase. |
The changes of volume V, polarization Ps, and bond length with pressure increases are shown in Fig.
The results of further analysis of the relations among pressure, volume, and polarization (Fig.
First-principles calculations have been performed to study Sr2M2O7, the optimized structures are consistent with previous experimental and theoretical data, which can indicate that our calculation method is reasonable. By comparing the dielectric constants in the experiment, the calculated results of Sr2Nb2O7 and Sr2Ta2O7 are within the limits of error. In addition, from the viewpoint of optical modes and phonons, the contribution and influence of the phonon modes at different frequencies and the various ions to the dielectric and piezoelectric properties were analyzed. For Sr2Ta2O7, the phonon frequencies were also investigated, but there was no corresponding experimental data to compare with.
The larger values of Sr2Nb2O7 piezoelectric components are e31 and e33, 1.276 C/m2 and –2.932 C/m2, respectively. The contribution to the piezoelectric component mainly comes from the A1. The spontaneous polarization of Sr2Nb2O7 is 25 μC/cm2 in the direction [001], which is slightly larger than the experimental value. After pressure, the polarization of Sr2Nb2O7 decreases linearly with the increasing pressure. Therefore, the application of tensile stress on the surface or negative pressure can enhance the spontaneous polarization and ferroelectric properties of the material.
Throughout the article, the study of lattice vibration is the key point, which relates to the properties of materials such as electromagnetism, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and conductance; our theoretical results will provide a guide to further investigate Sr2M2O7.
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